Posted in Expectations

Why So Many Videos?

At first glance, the list of videos can look daunting. Seems it would be easier just to have one video for an episode with the option to display English or Spanish captions. We agree. But that’s not available at this time. Instead, we have three videos for each piece of content (or, most of them).

The answer to “why?” lies in the origins of this app. We’re using a platform designed to publish weekly sermons for local congregations. Most churches don’t caption their sermons, much less provide captioning in two languages.  Meanwhile, the content we have available was deliberately captioned in English and Spanish to make it accessible to the widest variety of children in America and around the world, starting with Deaf children.

We’re also providing individual segments of the show such as Bible stories, sign songs, and object lessons. This way, users can select specific content or even groups of content that revolve around one scripture or one topic.

We hope you enjoy the content we have, and we hope you’ll soon find it easy to locate exactly what you want to watch.